The Lady GAGAs of noise rock are back and they brought juice!
Glose is first! De-ice yr wingz NOW!
When we were invited to play this show it came down to 2 simple questions:
1) Will there be tacos?
2) Will there be Tacos!?
Done and done, friends.
See you there!!
You've already done your best. Let's do it again, friends!!
This is a Ladies Choice™ show so the quality just can't be beat!
Record release show!! We will have physical copies of the new album available!
The (Second) best is yet to come!
Glose is first so get there early.
We're talkin like 8pm sharp!
Glose is first. Get there early!
Last time we went to Portland Doug forgot to latch the back of the trailer.
If it wasn't for lady luck herself half of our equipment would've been strewn about I-5 somewhere around Chehalis WA.
And by "lady luck" I mean the James Gang Rides Again album.
It was the inevitable let down of last few chords of The Bomber leading into the uber-sappy Tend My Garden that created a car-wide bum out scene that could only be remedied by a fresh pack of peanut M&Ms (and a can of Kodiak for Portolese, of course).
But if we hadn't stopped at that very moment we would have arrived in Portland only to have a very REAL bummer on our hands.
Thanks, James Gang!
3 bands!
We're on first so get there early! (Probably earlier than you think.)
It's Dry T Shirt Contest's record release show which should make for a pleasant Summer's Eve.
Wow! One of those shows you woulda paid to see anyway!
Roni and Ben have been tattooing for 25 years!
Come celebrate with them and all of their fine friends!
Plus, it's free!
Gonna be a special night. Attend with someone you love.
You can buy a ticket now for a measly 5 bucks, homes and you should do it too!
I mean... sure you can wait and see if that tinder date works out but then you'll pay $8 later.
But just fyi that date is NOT gonna work out. You know it, I know it and -- let's face it -- even SHE knows it.
She has a drinking problem and you're a loose cannon.
Bad combo.
But since Glose is apparently Thee Band for Loose Cannons™ (thanks, Loose Cannon Monthly!!!), give yourself a break and come on home, friend.
And welcome home, Loose Cannon.
Feb. 25 belongs to you.
Probably gonna be a ton of white belts and skinny jeans at this one. But since we're all such huge fans of Slimmy (née Slames Jacobs), we had to do it! Hipsters be damned!
How many times do you get to see live music at a roller skating rink?
"And now, open your eyes
and see what we have made is real
We are in Xanadu"
All-ages show, you ask?
Ci mi amigo.
It'll be so light you'll finally be able to count the rings around our eyes!
Starts at 4:30pm.
Should be an awesome show.
The fact that we get to play with local yacht-rockers "Smooth Sailing" is a gift from the heavens indeed!
You keep standing there looking cute...
We'll bring the friggin Riunite.
Take Friday May 6th off, amigo.
You'll need the rest after coming down with the 'Hand Foot and Mouth Disease of Rock' from Thursday.
Hands'll be all tired from the constant clenched fists...feet'll be spent from the night's never-ending Electric Slide...
And your mouth?
Yeah, it'll be toast too as one's jaw can only hit the floor so many times in a night.
You've been warned.
This show will finally make you realize that your world is gradually being taken over by dudes named 'Matt'!
I don't get it either.
But there are 2 types of people in this crazy ol' world: Those who love Matt Koroulis and those who have yet to meet him.
Come for no other reason than to buy the man a beer, eh?
And while you're at it, have a look at just SOME of the man's handiwork:
A link to the man's handiwork
Really bitchin bands too. It's a no-brainer.
UPDATE: Venue change and set time changes for Saturday night. Still gonna rule!
We're extremely honored to be playing this one...
We play on Saturday night but, really, this is one for the ages!!
3 Days of rock, debauchery and pure bromance!!!
Brown acid for EVERYONE!!!!
Friday, April 10: American Steel, Oakland, ALL AGES
5:30 Bathysphere
6:15 CHINA - Los Angeles, CA
7:00 ALTO! - Portland, OR
7:45 Color TV
8:30 The Rutabega - South Bend, IN
10:00 Replicator
10:45 Kowloon Walled City
Saturday, April 11: Elbo Room, SF, 21+
1:00 Hex Horizontal - Los Angeles, CA
1:45 Cinder Cone - Los Angeles, CA
2:30 Happy Fangs
3:15 Freeway Park - Seattle, WA
4:00 Vulgar Trade
4:45 SEMINARS - Seattle, WA
5:30 The Bismarck - Seattle, WA
6:15 Cartographer
7:00 Glose - Seattle, WA
7:45 Survival Knife - Olympia, WA
Sunday, April 12: American Steel, Oakland, ALL AGES
3:00 Reptoid
3:45 Spider Heart
4:30 Bone And Bell - Portland, OR
5:15 The Loyalists
6:00 Porch
6:45 Chung Antique - Seattle, WA
7:30 Orandnot - Portland, OR
8:15 The Mass
9:00 Whatfunlifewas
9:45 Love Moon
Like great cheese they always seem to go better with beer and sweat.
Really though... extra special thanks to the person who keeps showing up smelling like coconut! Seriously!
Ahhhhh sweet, sweet Victory Lounge...
There are few places where one can simultaneously lounge while also experiencing one's own, personal victory.
December 6th?
Let's have both, friends!
Let's have both.
Come out and see this show.
Because Cougar.
Been a while.
Ever been sick for a bit and then smoke a cig?
...and halfway through you're like, "Jesus!!! Inhaling smoke is crazyl! Why do I do this?"
But you keep doing it anyway? And eventually learn to love it...again?
That's what you need to do, friend.
You need to come down to Georgetown and learn to love it.
Love it again.
Playing with The Bismarck is like playing with fire.
Fire, however, is less grumpy and jaded.
So if we have but one goal on this balmy September evening it will be this:
To serve as the figurative MAO Inhibitor in the collective brain of that which comprises The Bismarck.
If upon watching/listening to them take the stage you hear but even one remark which seems even remotely disagreeable then we have failed, friend.
Mark my words. We will fail.
But them tunes!
This is Gaytheist's LP release show. Bring your leathers!
Also, the Blacklodge location is super secret, folks.
Super. Secret.